“I started reading Panoramic because it’s a breath of fresh air compared to the rest of the news - to hear people from all over the place telling their stories, positive and negative.”
Reader from Oslo, Norway
Our Story
Anya Gera and Maddie Anstruther created Panoramic in 2020, while politics undergraduates at the University of Cambridge. Since then, Panoramic has grown to encapsulate a range of editors and writers across the globe. In 2022, Akshata Kapoor and Maia Livne took over as editors-in-chief, and in 2023, Paolo Fornaroli replaced Akshata after she progressed to a career in journalism. Since 2024, Alisha O'Brien-Coker and Paolo are joint editors-in-chief.
Our writers are from around the world and we actively encourage writers from regions in the world which are underreported to contribute with their stories.
Panoramic aims to cover global political issues from local perspectives, encouraging our writers to blend personal, local experiences with wider political issues. As such, we aim to break away from Western-centric narratives and give young people around the world the possibility to report on important issues from their perspective. We prioritise quality, in-depth journalism over fast-paced news cycles and our goal is to provide an alternative perspective on global issues. Topics we have covered in the past include protest culture, armed conflicts, the politics of climate change and pollution, queer culture, migration and racism, and the implications of changing international relations between states.